Gofaz Rossul - Cargo Freight Forwarding, Sea Shipment and Package Delivery Logistics
  • Air Cargo, Containers Shipping & Package Delivery
    Goods, Containers and Package Pickup
    made easy

  • Goods, Containers, Packages Delivery
    Goods and items pickup at store, factory or company
    for delivery made easy

Goods/Items and Package local delivery services
Air Cargo of goods and package delivery services.
Container shipping with custom clearance services.

We are specialized in cargo, sea container shipping, package delivery and goods/items pickup at store, shopping mall, supermarket or factory in Dubai-U.A.E and send it down to the destination.
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With over 9 years experience in Air Cargo, Sea Shipping and Package Delivery Logistics, we have the understanding and nook and crannies of the business and we understand how customers, importers or exporters feel when their goods, items, containers or package is in delivery process. We wear our customers shoe so we know how it feels. Speed delivery and minute-minute delivery processing are guaranteed. We have as well invested in technology in order to give you 24/7 delivery processing status on your goods, items, containers or package in our possssion. You can easily know the delivery processing status of your goods, items, containers or package by TRACKING it using the tracking code we must have given you.
We understand how important your goods, items and package is and we realised how much you have hugely invested on it. We have invested in technology in order to communicate the processing status of our esteemed customers. You can TRACK the status of delivery process of your goods, items and package in our care and you can as well reach us on the phone numbers displayed on our website here.
For now, we can pickup your goods, items, containers and package at companies, factories, stores and shopping mall in Dubai-U.A.E and Nigeria and we will process the exportation/transportation of the goods, items, containers or package to the destination of your choice. Just contact us and we will handle it for you infallibly.

Air Freight

You want your goods, items or package to be speedily delivered? Talk to us.

Containers Shipping

Have you got large quantities of goods or assets in a 20ft/40ft containers? Logistics is our job.

Unbeatable Air Cargo, Sea Shipment and Package Delivery Services

Sit back and relax while we handle your Air Cargo, Sea Shipment and Package Delivery services. You can focus on other aspect of your business while we do the logistics of getting your goods, items or package speedily deliver to you.
Our Services
We are strictly into Logistics business, our years of experiences in this field set us free from the competition. We are strictly specialised in the following services :
Goods, Items and Transportation
Goods/Item pickup at stores, shopping mall, supermarket or factory here in Dubai-U.A.E and cargo/ship it down to the destination country.
Air Freight
We handle the custom clearance of your cargo goods/items when we handle the logistics and we try all we can to deliver your goods, you do not have to worry about the custom clearance. We definitely render an affordable services at any point in time.
Ocean Freight
We handle the custom clearance of your goods/items when we handle your sea shipment, you do not have to worry about the custom clearance. We definitely render an affordable services at any point in time.
Package Storage & Delivery
You need to deliver a package somewhere but you are too busy to get that done as soon as possible? We got you covered at Gofaz Rossul, we can get your package deliver to the destination at any point in time.